Git archive download different checksums

We quickly settled on a scheme where Guix would fall back to the Software Heritage archive whenever it fails to download source code from its original location. Note that GitHub and Sourceforge checksums on the ZIP or TAR are different because each creates the archive from sources. version-string management for VCS-controlled trees - warner/python-versioneer Scripts for generating macOS installation images in standard ISO format - mcandre/macos-isos Javascript libraries packaged up with Google Closure externs - cljsjs/packages

48-Channel Anechoic Audio Recordings of 3D Sources - fakufaku/pyramic-dataset

7 Apr 2019 Clone the void-packages git repository, install the bootstrap git first. To generate the sha256 checksums for new or changed distribution files: Git attribute data also allows you to do some interesting things when exporting an archive of your project.

Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption. - borgbackup/borg

Just zcat $archive |sha1sum it if the tar is stable. Otherwise, you could check out the correct sha1 using git (maybe with --depth 0), or store  Your current method looks error prone. It relies on carefully constructed --exclude parameters, and assumes no unexpected files. That's very  get_url – Downloads files from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node; Edit on GitHub If a checksum is passed to this parameter, the digest of the destination file will be If yes and dest is not a directory, will download the file every time and replace defaults to TMPDIR , TEMP or TMP env variables or a platform specific value.

The Android source tree is located in a Git repository hosted by Google. To start with a factory image for a specific device instead of downloading the source, see Selecting a device For version 1.25, the SHA-256 checksum for Repo is 

Nomad supports downloading http , https , git , hg and S3 artifacts. If these artifacts are artifact { source = "" options { checksum  Open, extract 7Z ACE CAB RAR TAR ZIP archives, 180+ formats supported. and GitHub open source downloads DOWNLOAD OTHER UTILITIES Free suite of file management utilities: compute file checksum and hash, byte to byte  Satis on the other hand is open source but only a static composer repository generator. You can get it from GitHub or install via CLI: package names, satis will not dump the dist files of these packages; checksum : optional, true by default,  16 Apr 2019 It's included in the other kubectl/helm image I found too. @proglottis added git back. reason is helm plugins install possibility: Image: 

The -k 2 bit tells it to skip over the MD5 hash, so it only sorts the file names, which are in field 2 through end-of-line, by sort 's reckoning. If you choose another hash function and need the second form of the command for pip install checksumdir $ checksumdir -a md5 assets/js A good tree check-sum is the tree-id of Git.

Open, extract 7Z ACE CAB RAR TAR ZIP archives, 180+ formats supported. and GitHub open source downloads DOWNLOAD OTHER UTILITIES Free suite of file management utilities: compute file checksum and hash, byte to byte  Satis on the other hand is open source but only a static composer repository generator. You can get it from GitHub or install via CLI: package names, satis will not dump the dist files of these packages; checksum : optional, true by default,  16 Apr 2019 It's included in the other kubectl/helm image I found too. @proglottis added git back. reason is helm plugins install possibility: Image:  from one server (or your computer) to another server using rsync; from an Be able to verify file integrity using checksums; Be able to preview and decompress  But I found that "download commit" archive is different each time I download it. It is inconvenient for me - I need predictable checksums for downloaded archives. "download commit" should behave the same way as "git archive" I believe. After you have created several commits, or if you have cloned a repository with an existing commit history, you'll probably want to look back to see what has  A DataLad dataset is a Git repository that may or may not have a data annex that is used of multiple identical files in a single (or across) dataset(s) will have the same checksum. Datasets can contain other datasets (subdatasets), which can in turn contain You can use DataLad's install command to download datasets.